Django & Flask have made a boom in the web development industry because of their rapid development process. The reason for rapid development you ask ? Of course it's Python! Both Django & Flask are Python Web Frameworks which helps in rapid development of Web Applications & APIs. The list of it's advantages goes on and on but in this article we are going to talk about How much Python you should know to get started with these frameworks.
After you have installed python you need to have a fair understanding of basics of Python
- Datatypes (Integer, Float, Boolean ...)
- Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical ...)
- Input & Output
- Conditional statements (If...else)
- Control Statements (While loop & For loop)
- Strings & Characters ("Prasanna")
These are the fundamentals of not only Python but of all programming languages. If you are coming from a computer science background it won't be much tough for you. Even if you are a complete beginner in the world of programming learning these won't be a difficult task.
Now it's time to move on to the next level. Understanding the sequences in Python
Sequences in Python
- Bytes
- Bytesarray
- Strings
- List
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Set
- Frozenset
Now that you have got a bit comfortable with basics of Python & Data Structures. The next thing you need to understand is how Functions work in Python.
- Function is a block of code written for reusing it later. To use a function you just need to call a function by it's name. You can pass values to function or return values from functions.
Next up is
- Modules in Python are same like library or package in other programming languages. Module is nothing but a file consisting a set of functions you want to use in your application.
File Handling
- File Handling is the operations you can perform on files such as read from files, write into files, delete a file etc.
After learning these topics you might feel you have a good understanding of Python but this is just half the path. You might write code or programs in Python, chances are your syntax might be right and even logic of the code but you will still face some issues. Those issues are called as Exceptions.
Exceptions & Exceptions Handling
- Exception is an event that occurs during the execution of program & disturbs the normal flow of the program. Exceptions can be handled with the help of try & except blocks in Python.
OOPs (Object Oriented Programming)
- Object Oriented Programming known as OOPs is a way of structuring a program by creating classes & objects. You cannot just go on writing functions for everything in a program that's why Object Oriented Programming is used more than Functional Programming.
- Python has a blend of both Object Oriented Programming as well as Procedure Oriented Programming.
- OOPs gives many advantages to the programmer with it's features such as inheritance, polymorphism etc.
Also one important topic before starting with Web applications. You should try connecting to a database using Python and perform basic CRUD operations.
This was just an overview for the basics of Python you need to know before starting with python frameworks. If you have this much understanding you are good to go and ready to rock the world of programming.